Our ward organized the Undokai (Sports Day). We were glad that the weather turned out perfect for the day. Thanks to the members of activity committee; especially the Sakita family and the Baker family.
The team was divided into the BYU team and the UVU team. All the BYU team members had blue t-shirt and their faces painted blue. All the UVU team members had green t-shirt and had their hair dyed green.
Remember that the photo albums are available hereMy wife participated in apple peeling competition. The wives compete with each other to find out who can peel the apple fastest. Masami won the whole thing. I was pretty proud. Since Masami is pregnant, she could not participate in any other event.
I participated in the scanvanger hunt race and the relay race. I also helped out with for the sport event that involved kids throwing water balloon into a basket. Kids were wild.
Here are some videos.
There also was an eating contest.
Here are the cheer songs from BYU children and adults.
UVU ended up winning the game (shame after all that singing that "BYU is the best in the world." lol), but we all had fun. Quiner family, Ayumi and we went to the Macey's to get some icecream. That was a good treat.
That's interesting !
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