Now that the Comprehensive Exam is out of the way, my daily exhaution is directed towards the SAS ADVANCED Certification.
What is SAS?
For those of you who do not know, SAS (pronounced "sass; originally called "Statistical Analysis System." But because of its recent popularity and high recognition popularity, SAS is no longer considered acronym) is an integrated system of software products provided by SAS Institute that enables the programmer to perform data analysis, report writing and graphics, statistical analysis,forecasting, etc.. SAS system is well known in almost any major corporations.
Statisticians who are proficient in SAS have great advantages than those who are not. If proficiency is achived, one can not only increase career opportunities and marketability to employers, but also enhance their credibility as technical professionals and earn industry recognition for their knowledge.
SAS Certification Exams
SAS Institute offers certification exams for those who are wishes to gain such great advantage. BASE and ADVANCED SAS certification are only some of many exams that are available. (BASE is obviously "BASIC" SAS, and ADVANCED is "advanced" SAS).
Those who pass the certification exam can put the SAS logo on their resume, which greatly attracts employer's eyes. I have certified for the BASE SAS and I already have SAS logo on my resume (as you can see above). In my experience, that logo is the first thing any human resource people notices on my resume. And most of the time, they circle the SAS logo on my resume (which indicates to me that I am a strong candidate for the employer). The effort to certify for SAS is greater than ever in Statistics Department. When I was first introduced to SAS, I only knew one person that was certified in BASE SAS (including graduate student) and only one or two people dared to take the exam each semester. Now I know 3 graduate students and 3 undergraduates who are certified in BASE SAS, and countless are trying to pass the exams. So far, no one has passed the ADVANCED exam.
What I aspire to do this Summer
My goal is to pass the ADVANCED SAS certification. That also means I will be the first one to get the ADVANCED Certification in the history of the department.
The textbook is astaunding 975 pages (while BASE SAS text book only has about 200 pages less). The exam costs $180 to take ($90 for me because department funds half of it). I have jobs that keep me busy 20-30 hours a week. If I fail, I won't be able to retake for 30 days. But I have until end of August to pass. I think I have a good chance.
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