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CES Fireside

ん? ここはなんだ?
Hmm? Where is this place?

Oh yeah this is the CES (Church Education System) Fireside.

Wait a second...

Can it be....???

What in the....

Wow, wow... what are you trying to do boy???


Was this for real??

3週間程前に、末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会のCES Firesideの全世界衛生放送でエレイン・S・ダルトン姉妹がお話をした。その時に開会の祈りをする素晴らしい機会があった。
3 weeks ago, Sister Elane S. Dalton spoke at the CES Fireside for the Church of JEsus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And I had the honor of offering a opening prayer.

If you want to see the whole broadcast, click here.
Then click "Watch Now"
『Watch Now』をクリックしてください。

まず最初に言っておくが、私が教会で仕事してはしてはいない。友人達Facebookやメール等で教会で働いているの?というメールがいくつかあったからだ。じゃ、どうやって、祈りを頼まれたか?っていうと、実は司会をやっていたのが、私のステーク会長で(CES Firesideは大体はステーク会長が司会する)、彼から直接祈りのアサインメントを受けただけなのだ。だから、別に中央幹部の誰かを知っているわけでもないのだ。ただ単にメールもらっただけだ。
I must tell you in the outset that I don't work for Church. Some of my friends have been asking me how I got to prayer at the fireside. It's just that my Stake President was asked to conduct the meeting and he simply gave me the assignment. So nobody in the Church Headquarters knows me enough to give me and assignment.

I think it's quite obvious that I became nervous right after I read the email (and me rushing to the bathroom). The sense of responsibility weighed heavily on me by the fact that I'm not only praying in front of General Authorities and thousands of BYU students, but also in front of church members throughout the world.

Click here for more pictures and videos

When we got the the Marriot Center, the floor director first asked me to stand in front of the podium so that they could adjust the height of the podium and microphone position and put it into computer memory. This means I don't even have to touch the microphone. This is easy, I thought!

We got there an hour before the broadast. And the choir was doing their last practice. Sister Dalton, who was the speaker that night was shaking hands with lots of people who came early to get good seats. I wanted to meet her but there were too many people so I just took the picture.

After few minutes, Masami and I decided to go to the bathroom before the broadcast. I finished my business and waited for Masami outside the lady's room. Then I saw Sister Dalton walking down the hallway with other General Authorities. I said "Hello, Sister Dalton." She then shook my hands with both hands and with smiley face, she greeted me, then walked away. I felt lucky but I felt sorry for Masami.

Mainly, I concentrated on being still so that I don't attract unnecessary attention, and I was able to successfully offer a prayer.

ビックリしたのはダルトン姉妹が話しを始めるまえに聖歌隊に感謝の気持ちを示したあと、僕の方に身体を向けて、『Thank you for that wonderful prayer.』と言ってくれた。その直後に、友人達が送った『TVでてるよ!!』という着信メールがズボンの中にある携帯にバイブレイトで6回程、『ブーッ、ブーッ』となっていたのはダルトン姉妹には決して言えないであろう(笑)。
What I really was surprised was that Sister Dalton thanked the choir before she began her talk. She then turned around to me and said "... and thank you for that wonderful prayer." Little did Sister Dalton know that my friends, who saw me on TV or at the stadium, texted me all at the same time and my cell phone was vibrating crazily for a while.

After the closing exercise, Sister Dalton said "I as really touched by your beautiful prayer. Thank you so much for blessing me. It's a wonderful privilege to know you." Then she gave Masami a big hug. Now that she got a hug and I got handshake, Masami and I were even. This was a wonderful opportunity for both of us. Thanks Stake President!

Even so, although she had the prompter, she did a great job in front this large audience.

Wymoun Social

Wymount Apartments holds annual social with everybody that resides there. The activities included tug-a-war, tin can train, splashman, cookie painting, etc.--mainly for kids to enjoy. But Hugo is too young to play. He was, however got to go outside with us. Perhaps Hugo will bring his own children to Wymount Social.

For more pictures, click here

Future is a serious business

You're gonna see some serious crap.

by Dave Thomas: Davethomasfilm.com

2.21 Gigawatts Redux

by James Rolfe: Cinemassacre.com

And perhaps the funniest movie quote of all time is...

十五少年漂流記 (Japanese Only)



Updates on Hugo (拓賢君のアップデート)

I feel bad writing the blog now because Masami has been so busy taking care of Hugo and she doesn't even have time to write her own blog. Nevertheless, for Masami (as well as for everyone), I'm giving you updates on Hugo.

See more pictures and videos

Time goes so fast; Hugo is now 2 months old. My school started two weeks ago but Masami is now looking after the baby from morning till night. So she is tired everyday. We set our goal to bathe Hugo by 6pm every night. But by the time we eat our dinner, it's already 9pm. The night passes so fast for us. I don't think I could have never completed my first year graduate school if we had the baby last year.

Lately, Hugo smiles a lot. Until few weeks ago, he only smiled for a half second (apparently, for infants that are 0 to 1 month old, the baby doesn't see or sense any exterior activities. So the infants only smiles when there's some sort of chemical reaction in the brain that triggers the baby to smile). I think Hugo is starting to see lots things. He smiles when we pick him up from crib. He smiles when we bathe him, etc.. Watching Hugo smile makes both Masami and I so happy.

I also think Hugo has grown so much lately. He already weigh 15lb and his height has increased by 5 inches. I'm guessing he has my genes. We know that Hugo's height is at 98th percentile. We are hoping that he'll grow taller and taller.

アメリカの休日のLabor Dayにワイマウントに住む日本人家族の方々と一緒にBBQをした。なんと13家族、合計36人参加であった。
On the Labor Day (an American holiday, or shall I say in Queen's English, a bank holiday), we had an BBQ with all the Japanese families that reside in Wymount. Whopping 13 families, that's 36 people, came to the BBQ.

See more pictures

Quiners and I wanted to have the BBQ with Wymount families before the Summer season really ended. We though not many--maybe 3 or 4 families--would sign up for the BBQ since it was the Labor Day. So it blew my mind when I found out how many people were coming to the BBQ--13 families = 36 people.

With lots of help from Quiners and Sonomuras, we were able to provide enough food for 36 people. Also, this BBQ was supposed to be "Combined Family Home Evening" so I had the honor of providing spiritual message aimed for children. If you tie a rope to the tree and tape candies on a tree, you have the tree of life from Lehi's dream.

I think I learned from giving messages to children is that you don't say "we're going to have a lesson." You've got to say "We're gonna play a game." Otherwise, they'll never pay attention. Kids are so easy to understand.


I found another nostalgic clip.