Series of things happened while I was preparing for the comprehensive exam. Just so you know, the pictures I post here are only one of many that could be seen under "Endless Journey" section of my website. Visit
Event 1: Justin's Birthday
(see the photo album)
We threw a surprise birthday party for Justin who lives in our neighborhood. While he and his wife were eating out for his birthday celebration, we decorated his house and waited for them to come back.
Justin was thrown of by it. We had food and lots of talking afterwards.

The Quiners, the Chuns and the Ham families invited us for it. Thanks guys. We had a blast.

Event 2: Cinco De Mayo
(see the photo album)
Trevor invited us to celebrated Cinco de Mayo. Trevor cooked us nice meat for our tortilla wrap. The Hess, Trevor's aunt and uncle, the Sawadas and Matsushita families were also invited. Weather was perfect for the BBQ.

Nice work, Trevor.

It was heavenly...
Event 3: Indian Curry, Enchillada, Yakisoba and Tofu
(see the photo album)
Our friends, Katsue and Yuki from Japan visited us for several days. That also meant nice meals for guests and for me! (lol) We had curry at Bombay House, Katsue made chicken enchilladas, I made some yakisoba and Masami made deep fried Tofu. All of Masami's cooking can be seen on "Masami's Cooking" on our website f-blood, or you can visit that page directly by clicking HERE.

Event 4: Masami goes for a walk
(see the photo album)
Spring is finally here! Masami took a walk up the hill.

Event 5: Provo's last attempt of Winter
(see the photo album)
Here are some pictures I took on my cell phone on the way to school. See the photo album for more. I love my cell phone. It has really good resolution.

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