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blip.tvのサイトがダウンしているらしく、ブログや、ホームページで載せているビデオが見れない状態がこの2、3日続いている。一時的な問題だから、心配はしなくてもよい。見れるようになったら、また来てくださいな。 has had some technical issues. So thats why you have not been able to watch any of the videos I post here and on other sections of my website. It should be coming back soon so check back later!!
This week, Hugo became 3 months old. And he has grown so much this month. He is now 16lb and 26.3 inches tall. One of our friends has 6 months old baby, but Hugo is definitely bigger.
Hugo mumbles a lot. He also laughs a lot which makes both of us happy. It makes me not want to go to school in the morning. He also says "ya" to us on a good timing. For example, when we say things like "Hugo, it's time for you to take a bath" and "Hugo, are you hungry?", he sometimes says "ya." I'm sure it's just a pure coincidence but that just makes Hugo even cuter.

Recently, Masami tells me that Hugo looks like a statue of Buddist monks when Hugo's sleeping and doesn't move a bit. Initially, I thought Masami was going crazy but I'm starting to agree. He does look like a Buddhist monk statue.
Hugo also has developed some habbits. He likes to raise his arms and stare at it for long long long time and he follows his mom and dad by turning his head. We sometimes have to watch out because his head turns to much--almost to the point that he might break his neck.

Last year, professors and the graduate students had the Rock Band & Pizza party. This year once again had the Rock Band but it was the Beatles Rock Band.

But I mean... this is just funny, don't think?
(From left: Jessica, myself, Dr.Collings and Dr.Neeley)

To see more picture

The only thing that is not different from last year is the pizza.

We made Dr.Fellingham sing. We had a blast.
This is the "Dictator" movie. Aside from being funny, Chaplin always tries to bring strong message from his stories.
Here is the climax of the movie where Chaplin is mistaken as Hinkle (dictator character in the movie for Hitler) and is forced to give a declaration in Osteritch (Austria). Apparently, when this movie was made, Hitler was still alive.
The semester started almost 2 months ago. I've been busy with my Master's Project prospectus. I also had few midterm that kept me busy for past few weeks. However, I still do believe this year is a lot better than last year; I'm doing fine in school even with Hugo in our home.
You may be wondering what my wife does while I am at school. Of course, she takes care of Hugo of the day. However, recently she's been doing a lot of baking with the Japanese wives that live in the Wymount Apartments. So Masami has been doing some recreational stuff. And since we bought the car this summer and Hugo is starting to build his muscle on his neck, she can now go almost wherever she wants to go. As a husband, I am at peace.
Hugo is....well, he is just adorable. You'll probably freak out if you see me how much I adore my son.
Recently, "S" family asked if we wanted the BYU football game. Masami had never been to the football game in her life so we took it without hesitation. Family S even babysat Hugo. We were at the game for only about 2 hours but we were able to see few touch downs and the marching band. Masami saw everything she had to see at the football game. When we went to pick up Hugo, he welcomed us with big smile. What a cute son.
I plan on writing about my Master's Project sometime. I think it will interest a lot of you especially if you are a members of the Church.
The story behind the fight is that Chaplin falls in love with a blind girl who makes a living from selling small flowers on the street. She was about to lose her home and Chaplin pretends that he's the rich man and tries to get earn quick money so that she doesn't lose her home.
One of my favorite part is at 4:08.