This week, Hugo became 3 months old. And he has grown so much this month. He is now 16lb and 26.3 inches tall. One of our friends has 6 months old baby, but Hugo is definitely bigger.
Hugo mumbles a lot. He also laughs a lot which makes both of us happy. It makes me not want to go to school in the morning. He also says "ya" to us on a good timing. For example, when we say things like "Hugo, it's time for you to take a bath" and "Hugo, are you hungry?", he sometimes says "ya." I'm sure it's just a pure coincidence but that just makes Hugo even cuter.

Recently, Masami tells me that Hugo looks like a statue of Buddist monks when Hugo's sleeping and doesn't move a bit. Initially, I thought Masami was going crazy but I'm starting to agree. He does look like a Buddhist monk statue.
Hugo also has developed some habbits. He likes to raise his arms and stare at it for long long long time and he follows his mom and dad by turning his head. We sometimes have to watch out because his head turns to much--almost to the point that he might break his neck.

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