Perhaps you've noticed it if you've bookmarked my homepage. Do you notice anything different?
そう。新しいコーナーが加えられたのである。『Masami's Cooking』コーナーに続き、『Tomo's Cooking』だ。別にライバル視しているわけではないのだが(笑)。
Yep. A new corner has been added. In addition to "Masami's Cooking" section, it's "Tomo's Cooking." Don't worry, I'm not being a rival to my wife.

I already have 5 entries posted there and I plan on posting another one soon. Also, may I kindly ask that you bookmark tomofunai.com instead og this blog? I just want the visitors traffic to flow to other sections of my website. That way, it's more worthwhile for me to update my website. Plus, by bookmarking the main page, you can also access Masami's blog and her other sections easily. Thanks!

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