アメリカの休日のLabor Dayにワイマウントに住む日本人家族の方々と一緒にBBQをした。なんと13家族、合計36人参加であった。
On the Labor Day (an American holiday, or shall I say in Queen's English, a bank holiday), we had an BBQ with all the Japanese families that reside in Wymount. Whopping 13 families, that's 36 people, came to the BBQ.
Quiners and I wanted to have the BBQ with Wymount families before the Summer season really ended. We though not many--maybe 3 or 4 families--would sign up for the BBQ since it was the Labor Day. So it blew my mind when I found out how many people were coming to the BBQ--13 families = 36 people.

With lots of help from Quiners and Sonomuras, we were able to provide enough food for 36 people. Also, this BBQ was supposed to be "Combined Family Home Evening" so I had the honor of providing spiritual message aimed for children. If you tie a rope to the tree and tape candies on a tree, you have the tree of life from Lehi's dream.
I think I learned from giving messages to children is that you don't say "we're going to have a lesson." You've got to say "We're gonna play a game." Otherwise, they'll never pay attention. Kids are so easy to understand.

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