There are more pictures and videos from the link below.
[Endless Journey]
The Department of Statistics at BYU offers Insitute Meetings annually. Each year the department invites professor who had done interesting research and have he/she present their research in 3 day seminar. Attendants were BYU students and Professors, and the Statisticians across the United States.
This year, Professor Di Cook from Iowa State University was invited to the department. She is originally from Australia. She has taught us many amazing graphical method using ggobi and R, both of which are Open Source Software for data processing.
During the Institute. 学会の様子。

There are more pictures and videos from the link below.
[Endless Journey]
Sisters Matsushita, Quiner and Brown organized baby shower for Masami last week. Usually, men and children are not invited to the baby shower but they said we would come also. They provided foods and activities. And we had so many gifts given to us! We both felt special. Thank you everybody!
During Baby Shower. ベイビーシャワーの様子。

Did you know that there is a Disneyland in Tokyo? Did you also know that there is also Disney Sea (instead of "land")? We even have Universal Studio called in Osaka, the second most industrious city in Japan after Tokyo.
There are seven themed areas, each complementing each other yet unique in their style. Made up of the World Bazaar, the four classic Disney lands: Adventureland, Westernland, Fantasyland and Tomorrowland, and two mini lands, Critter Country and Mickey's Toontown, the park is noted for its huge open spaces to accommodate the massive crowds the park receives on even moderate attendance days.
皆はすでに知っているが、英語で書いたので、それを翻訳するが、ディズニーランドはそれぞれのテーマに分かれたエリアが7つあり、それらを「テーマランド」と呼ぶ。アドベンチャーランド、ウエスタンランド 、クリッターカントリー 、ファンタジーランド、ファンタジーランド 、トゥーンタウン 、トゥモローランド、各テーマランドに配置されるアトラクションや物販店・飲食店および装飾類は、そのテーマに合わせてイメージの統一が図られている。2006年には、ランドとシーを合わせて4億人目のゲストが来園した。
We both have been wanting to go Tokyo Disneyland as married couple. So once we got married, we went. Unbeknown to us, Tokyo Disneyland was having its 50th Year (Jubilee) Anniversary. So it was way busy. We waited 2-4 hours on average for a ride (we also had several fast passes, of course). But we both had fun. Pictures and more videos could be found on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood] as well as [To-mo-tion].
正美ちゃんとは結婚したら一緒にディズニーランドに行きたいねとよく話していた。なので、結婚したあとに行った。ちょうど東京ディズニーリゾート25thアニバーサリーがあって、かなり混雑していたが、楽しかった、下のビデオの他にも写真が[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見られます。もちろん、[To-mo-tion]でもたくさんのビデオが見られます。
Once you are a graduate student, you are stuck in one building. In so many ways thats good thing. For example, you don't need to travel between buildings between classes. However, there are few things are could be bad. if you are in one building, you are in one building for rest of your college life. You may miss out on cool campus "activities". One of the cool "activity" I missed out was the re-modeling of the bathroom in the Wilkinson Center (Student Center). The other day, I walked into the bathroom and found out that the bathroom added a feature that reminds me of the bathrooms in Japan.
Yes, the high speed hand dryer; the one that dries much faster than regular hand dryer. I was actually amazed when I found this. Finally, America has transitioned to the more effective and energy conservative machines.

But now that I think about it, maybe this kind of high speed hand dryers have been around America for a long time. Maybe it's just happens that BYU had not had a chance to install yet. So that's the problem with being stuck in one place... If you never get out Utah, you don't know what's going on outside.
Many things have changed on [] this week:今週の[]は結構たくさん更新しました。
(1) Main Menu page has changed its design. If you want to see the past designs, select [Switch Menu].
メインメニューのページが新しいデザインに変わりました。古いデザインを見たい場合、[Switch Menu]を参照。
(2) Design for [Tomo's Blog] had changed to more modern and cleaner format.
[Tomo's Blog]のデザインも見ての通り、新しくなりました。
(3) New sections [Masami's Blog] and [To-mo-tion] have been opened. [To-mo-tion] show videos.
[Masami's Blog]と[To-mo-tion]のコーナーが新しくオープン。[To-mo-tion]のコーナーはビデオクリップを載せています。(4) [Site Map] will be opened soon to allow you access my website easily.
もうすぐ[Site Map]が公開されます。これで、このサイトのアクセスが少しは簡単になると思います。
(5) [Endless Journey]: 2 new photo albums.
1. FIVE GUYS (ファイブ・ガイズ) = 13 pictutres
2. Party for Japanese families in Wymount (ワイマウントに住む日本人家族のパーティー) = 16 pictutres
(6) [Tomo's Blog]: 4 new posts.
1. FIVE GUYS (ファイブ・ガイズ)
2. Party for Japanese families in Wymount (ワイマウントに住む日本人家族のパーティー)
3. Japanese Video Arcade(日本のゲームセンター)
4. Recent Updates.
(7) Masami's Blog: 2 new posts.
1. そろそろ始めてみようかな・・・
2. 最近の楽しみ☆
Do you remember video arcades (A.K.A. Game Center in UK and Japan) that you used to go when you were little? Do you remember the Donkey Kong Game? Street Fighter 2? Galaga? Packman? Yeah, these are the classic arcade video games that we found in the arcade. They bring good memories back.
子供の頃によくゲームセンターに行ったことはあるだろうか?ドンキーコングゲーム、ストリートファイター2(ストツー)、ギャラガや、パックマンを覚えているだろうか?昔の良い思い出をよみがえらせるゲームばかりだ。I used to love to watch some one play Street Fighter 2. I rarely played at the video arcade though. I never spent my allowance on the video arcade. Yeah, in other words, I was cheap.
Video Arcades are found in many places in Japan. More than often we find bunch of adults spend all day in the video arcade. In London, we can find a big "game center" at Leicester Square close to the Empire Cinema. Again, it was not hard to find adults spending all day in there.
But I am yet to see as big video arcades in America. All I have seen so far is the nickelcade or entertainment center which cost $5-10 to enter (and then pay more money for each individual arcade). But I'm sure there are many big video arcades in America.
These videos are from the game center in the hotel we stayed for the New Year 07-08 in Japan. We were just playing around and we found ourselves being 15 years younger. These videos are available on a photo album called "Japan, Christmas and Engagement 2008" on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood].
これらのビデオは[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションの「Japan, Christmas and Engagement 2008」というアルバムで見られます。
What it looked like inside
Japanese Drum Game
Aligator Game
Yoshida family hosted a party for all Japanese families in Wymount; Hess family, Quiner family, Sawada family, Matsushita family, Shimokawa family, Funai family, and of course, Yoshida family. More pictures are available on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood].
吉田家がワイマウントに住む日本人家族のためにパーティーを計画してくれた。参加者は、ヘス家、クワイナー家、澤田家、松下家、下川家、船井家、そしてもちろん吉田家だ。他にもたくさん写真が[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見られます。


Last weekend, Quiner family and we went to the Five Guys in Orem. Five Guys is a fast casual restaurant chain that originated in Arlington, Virginia. They sells mainly hamburgers and french fries. The burgers are made straight from scratch and mot locations offer free in-the-shell peanuts for patrons to eat while they wait for their food to be cooked, which seems very particular for a fast food restaurant. More pictures are available on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood].
先週の週末にクワイナー家と一緒にオレム市にあるファイブ・ガイズに行ってきた。ファイブ・ガイズとは、元祖がバージニア州アーリングトン市のファースト・フードである。主にバーガーとフライドポテトを食べれるところである。バーガーはその日当日にフレッシュで作られ、フライドポテトはピーナッツ・オイルで揚げているらしい。しかも、オーダーが来るまで、ピーナッツが食べ放題なのである。ファーストフードにしては、結構こだわりのある店である。他にもたくさん写真が[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見られます。
Masami's sister told us about this place and we've been wanting to go for a while. Thanks to the Quiners. The burgers were great. As Masami would say, "A tasty burger with lots of vegetables". To be honest, though, my personal favorite fast food places are Jack in the Box and any place that sells real Döner kebab in Europe. Don't get me wrong; Five Guys is definately a fun place to go, their services are great and the burger tastes are way above average. I would actually encourage my friends to go if they haven't.
Women who are from outside America are welcomed to join International Woman's Association (IWA). The majority of members are student's wives but members also include wives to the professors at BYU and any American women in the neighborhood. Masami has been attending their activities for a while. For their monthly activity, IWA invited Masami and few other Japanese members to show them Japanese cooking.
Ai Sawada and Masami made chicken nanban (deep fried chicken sauteed in a special sauce). Everybody liked it especially the children. They were all asking for recipe and were wanting to make them again at home. Maki babysat for all of us so that was very helpful. Thanks Maki!
More pictures are available on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood].
これらの写真はいつでも[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見られます。
Young Men in the Japanese ward had an activity. The activity was quite simple. Eat pizza and chips and play video games. It was awesome. Sheffer family offered their home for our activity. Men were just left with pizza, ginger ale, Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games, SNES games and bord games. We all felt like 16 years old again.
Ladies went to Bob Lamb's house for chatting. They said had fun but I doubt that they had more fun than we did and that they felt like 16 years old again. I mean, we blew up buildings, killed each other, we dropped fire balls on each other... what else can be more fun??
More pictures are available on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood].
これらの写真はいつでも[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見られます。
Special Olympics Utah (SOUT) providse year-round sports and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Special Olympics Utah (SOUT) は知的障害の子供と大人達のために運動会を開く組織だ。この運動会を通して、知的障害の人達が自分達の家族、友人や、他の参加選手達、および一般の人達と共に、勇気を示し、友情を共有し、喜びを経験して、才能を深めることができるのである。
Trevor, our neighbor, is a volunteer worker for the SOUT and he invited Masami to come (I was at work). People with disabilities come all around Utah to compete in athletic events and sports like soccer. Apparently, by the time Masami got there, it was towards the event of the olympics so they just ate ice cones and cotton candies and saw couple of events.
More pictures are available on [Endless Journey] section of our [f-blood].
これらの写真はいつでも[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見れます。
Here are the long awaited videos from Graduate Students & Professor party from 2009. The one with the blue shirt is the Dr.Shane Reece. He is the most outgoing professor in the department. さて、皆さんおまちかねの2008年大学院統計学部ロックバンドパーティーのビデオです。青いシャツを着ているのはシェイーン・リース教授。学部で最もハイパーな教授だ。
More photo albums and videos are always available in the [Endless Journey] section of [f-blood] website. Enjoy.
これらのビデオと写真はいつでも[f-blood]のサイトの[Endless Journey]のセクションで見れます。それではどうぞ。
Vocal: Dr.Reece; Guitar: Tommy; Drums: Tomo, Bass: Michelle.
Vocal: Dr.Grimshaw; Guitar: Dr.Neely; Drums: Dr.Reece, Bass: Dr.Johnson.
Voval: Elisa; Guitar:Masami; Drums: Jonathan, Bass: Mike.
In the 4th video, you see Dr.Fellingham playing the guitar (one with yellow shirt). He's not one of those people who like games so this is a precious video.
Voval: Elisa; Guitar:?; Drums: James, Bass: Fellingham.
Voval: Racheal; Guitar:Michelle; Drums: Andrea (David), Bass: Erika.