Since Masami got pregnant soon after she arrived to America, she had not traveled around Utah yet. Since we weren't going back to Japan for the Christmas and new year, we decided to travel around Utah.
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This was a first time for me to get on the freeway so I Was pretty nervous. But we sure made it back safely. Our car had not ran that fast we purchased it. Good job Suzuki Forenza 2004.

On the first day, we visited Mount Timpanogus temple, Oquirrh Mountain temple and Jordan River temple. I've already been to Oquirrh Mountain temple open house with Masami's mom already, but Masami hasn't. So we are glad that we made the visit. We could have gone to the Draper temple but we already went last to the open house and we didn't have enough time so we skipped it.
It was good to see Masami enjoy various temples around Utah. We also had asked the temple workers to put names in the prayer roll. Masami was also stunned to see how many wedding there were. There's Utah for ya.

That night, we stayed at the Waterman's family who, 10 years ago, we teaching English at an University in Masami's hometown. We were glad that we were able to show Hugo to the Watermans. They were thrilled.

Next day, we passed the Salt Lake City on the freeway and went to the Bountiful to see the temple. It was my first time going up there. We were surprised how steep the roads were to get to the temple. But the view from the top was real amazing.

Afterwards, we went to Salt Lake City. We drove around University of Utah and the University Hospitals. Then we stopped to have a lunch at "Hires Big H," a famous local diner. We had the traditional American food: Burgers, Sandwiches, French friends with cheese and the onion rings. Masami experienced America that day. Then we parked our car to tour around the temple square.

At the Conference center; they still had the decoration from Christmas Concert.

Hugo trying to reach for door knob of Salt Lake Temple.
Next to the Conference Center at Temple Square, the Church has built an Church Library, which is open to public. It is a very interesting place. If I happened to live in Utah when I retire, I would love to do some reading & research in that library.

At night, we met up with our friends to see the Christmas lights. The nativity was lame but the lights were beautiful. I would check out the photos if I were you. We then went out to eat Chinese and drove home. I'm really glad that I was able to show Masami around Utah a little bit. She needed to have that experience before we leave Utah next April.
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