Here is the theme song from the Japanese TV show "The Naked General" (1992-1971). I watched this show often while I was in elementary school. 日本中を放浪していたことで知られる山下清(1992-1971)のテレビドラマの主題歌である。小学校の頃、よく見ていたものだ。
This show portrays a renowned Japanese artist named Kiyoshi Yamashita (1922-1971). He is travelled on foot throughout Japan, during which he wore only a vest, garnering the nickname "The Naked General". At the age of 3, he suffered an acute abdominal disorder which, although not life threatening, left him with a mild speech impediment and some neurological damage.

Despite his hisability, Yamashita used the "Chigiri-e" method of sticking torn pieces of coloured paper together to depict the scenery he saw on his travels, and some of his most famous works such as "Nagaoka no hanabi" (below) were made in this way. Possessing eidetic memory, Yamashita usually recreated the entire scene from memory when he returned to the institution or his home. Because of this, Yamashita is often considered an idiot savant.

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