Man: Er... why don't we skip desert and get out of here?
Woman: Why? what do you have in mind?
Man: Nothing. It's just that you are already fat, innit??

Man: So you must all be models, right?
Women: hahaha... What makes you say that?
Man: Well, it's because you are all thick, innit??
(thick=british slang for dumb, stupid)
Waiter: A rose for the woman you love?
Man: oh thats a good idea!
(woman smiles)
Man: Because I'll be back here after I drop you off, innit??
(waiter brings the menu)
Man: hey, I could see you like the seafood. Am I right?
Woman: Yes how did you know?
Man: I could tell as soon as I picked you up.
(woman smiles)
Woman: how?
Man: because you smell of fish, innit??
Man: It's appauling. Women shouldn't be pressured to be thin and do their hair and have the right nose and that.
Woman: Oh, gosh! Absolutely. I agree!
Man: See that's one of the great thing about you!!
(Woman smiles)
Man: You make no effort at all!!
Man: Even though we've just met, I feel I already know many things about you.
Woman: (chuckles) why do you think that is?
Man: Because I've been watching you through telescopes for months, innit??

Man: Your parents must be really beautiful people.
Woman: Ah, thank you.
Man: because it often skips a generation, innit??
Man: It's not like India. It's like, in this country when you get old, they lock them up and exclude them from society. I don't agree with that... That's why I'm with you, innit??
(Man returns from the bathroom)
Man: Allow me.
(Man help the woman take her last bite of food)
Woman: hmm... thank you. You are back. You were gone for ages. I thought you ran off with another woman.
Man: That's because I was having a d**p (#2), innit??
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