Dec 23 2007... I was really excited to be on the plane from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. All I had to do was to change my flight at LA airport to Tokyo Japan. I was going to ask my girlfriend to marry me; pop the question; propose; whatever you want to call it. Wouldn't that make you anxious?
Anyway, I got off the plane expecting things to go smoothly. But when I got to LA, something went wrong. I missed my flight. Well, to explain how I missed the flight, posing few questions to LA airport will suffice. 1. Why do I have to get my luggage and check-in again if I am traveling with same airline? 2. Why are there boareds with flight schedules? 3. How come there is no map of the terminal and no security guards or nobody seem to know where all te terminals are?
Anyway I was devastated. I was told to wait till next day to see if there is an opening. I was told to get an hotel room. The airline company is not paying for it. Apparently it was "MY FAULT" that I missed the flight. Freak. I get to the hotel. Still devastated. I call my brother in Michigan. I told him call my parents and tell my girlfriend I won't be back on the day I promised her... and may be never come back for the Christmas.

An hour after I called my brother, my girlfriend calls. I told her I was sorry. She told me not worry about it and told me to get some rest. I went out to have lunch; Jack in the Box--hearty enough to get my mind of things. I turned on the TV in the hotel room and I was eating my burger. It barely started showing DIE HARD... the movie. I had never seen it. I heard so many things about it and I needed something to get my mind of stupid airlines and LA airport.
the movie was intense enough get my mind of things.
DIE HARD... GREAT MOVIE. I mean I almost pissed my pants. Is that weird? I meam why did I miss out on this great movie. I should have been a fan of it 10 years ago! okay okay... pipe down now. I know I had not seen any movie in 8 months and I may have lost my immunity to the litttle action movie but I really thought it was a great movie. It really got my mind of things for me....
So DIE HARD... helped me in the time of crisis.
Why mention this incident that happened 5 months ago?
Well, weird thing is happening. I'm going home to get married to the same girl I had proposed 5 months ago. I had not missed my flights (yet?) and I am not staying in the hotel waiting for the flight. But here I am watching DIE HARD.... 2! (more precisely, DIE HARD: WITH VEANGENCE) Can understand what may be going through my mind??

Anyway, I had not missed my flight. DIE HARD 2 is a great movie too! Now I want to watch the third one. But I sense this presentiment and I have no idea whats up.