Very surprising and significant news... many feelings and thoughts.
CNN reports
U.S. President Barack Obama announces that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is dead in Washington, Sunday, May 1, 2011.
It's a relief... but I don't if we really should be happy like those people we've seen on TV. We did not seek revenge. We sought reconciliation and mutual understanding. More importantly, we welfare of their and our souls. "Therefore, care not for the body, neither the life of the body; but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul." (D&C 101:37)
This Elder Neal A. Maxwell's counsel is applicable to us at this stage in history:
"Today, war clouds here and there rain upon the just and the unjust, but Christ’s glorious gift of the great Resurrection will be showered upon us all!"

"...Therefore, though ours is a time of conflict, quietly caring for “the life of the soul” is still what matters most. Though events set up the defining moments which can evoke profiles in righteousness, outward commotions cannot excuse any failure of inward resolve, even if some seem to unravel so easily. If hostilities break out here and there, we still need not break our covenants!"
"Uncertainty as to world conditions does not justify moral uncertainty, and distracting churn will not cover our sins nor dim God’s all-seeing eye. Furthermore, military victories are no substitute for winning our individual wars for self-control. Nor do the raging human hatreds lessen God’s perfect and redeeming love for all His children."

"...Truly converted disciples, though still imperfect, will pursue “the life of the soul” on any day, in any decade, amid any decadence and destruction. This process constitutes being about our “Father’s business” (Luke 2:49; see also Moses 1:39)."

"Since this full conversion is what is supposed to be happening anyway, stern events and turbulence may actually even help us by causing a resumption of the journey or an acceleration. From Aril 2003 General Conference."
「このような完全な改心はいずれ起こるものと考えられるため,困難な出来事や動乱が実際にはむしろわたしたちを改心の過程に立ち戻らせたり,改心を速めたりする助けとなるかもしれません。」2003年総大会より(p. 68 - 70)
Regardless of what sings we commit, the fact remains that we are children of our Heavenly Father and that His great love for us will never diminish. We are all brothers and sisters. What we should hope and yearn for is not the revenge or the victory of wars; but to "care... for the life of the souls"; to care for the welfare of our brothers and sisters' souls.
Should we choose to be glad and shout for joy that Osama Bin Laden died (even if our loved ones were involved in 9-11 disasters) so should we be doing something else as the Latter Day Saints? It makes us think, doesn't it?