It's about time I re-design the main page of my website. After all, I change the design on this blog more often than any other pages on my website. Since the world soccer in South Africa is coming up soon, I thought "let's make the world cup the theme of my main page." So here it is. I'm pretty satisfied with this design. I always try to design my own webpage, and I enjoyed making this one a lot. Allow me to explain each section of the newly designed page in detail.
Imagenary World Soccer design
Quite frankly this one was pretty easy to make. This image has exactly 100 layers. Layers are used to separate different elements of an image. A layer can be compared to a transparency on which images are applied and placed over or under an image. The soccer players on this image include Platini, Maradona, Schumacher, Praff, Butragueño, and Linekar. All of them are my favorite players and goalkeepers from FIFA 1986. Some of you may probably remember Maradona from the "Hand of God" incident, and "Goal of the Century". The flags compressed to make circular shapes on the Photoshop.
このデザインは結構簡単だった。レイヤーを丁度100枚使っている(レイヤー(Layer)とは、グラフィックソフトウェアなどに搭載されている、画像をセル画のように重ねて使うことができる機能のこと)。これに写っている選手たちは、フランスチームキャプテンのプラティニを始め, アルゼンチンのマラドーナ、西ドイツキーパーのシューマッハ、ベルギーのキーパープファフ、スペインのルーキーブトラゲーニョ、そしてイングランドのエースリネカーである。皆1986年のメキシコ大会で活躍した選手達である。マラドーナは『神の手のゴール事件』や、60mを10秒でドリブルし、4人を抜いた上で、ゴールを決めた『世紀のゴール』などで聞いたことがあるであろう。それぞれの国の旗はPhotoShopで圧縮させて丸くしたものである。
Banner design
This actually was the most difficult thing to make. It only has 22 layers but the design of it was most time consuming. On this platte, you can see Emilio Butragueño, Preben Elkjær, Maradona, and Platini. You can see FIFA's logo and the mission statements.
Countdown TimerThis is the javascript time counter to the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. This is set for the time zone in South Africa. Programming for this wasn't very easy.
Menu design
This is has all the links to the different section of the website. The players on the right-bottom are from the Denmark team after Laudrup scored a goal.