Quiner family and we went to the Draper temple Open House. The Draper Utah Temple is the 129th temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dedicated as such on 20 through 22 March, 2009. Prior to the dedication, the LDS temple allows general public to visit inside the temple. We were not allowed to take pictures, but there was exhibits at the end of the tour and we were allowed to take the pictures there. To see the photo album, go to "Endless Journey" of the website, or click here.
A temple is a building dedicated to be a house of God and is reserved for special forms of worship. A temple differs from a church meetinghouse, which is used for weekly worship services. Temples have been a significant part of the Latter Day Saints since its inception. Today, 129 temples are operated by several Latter Day Saint denominations.
In ancient times, God commanded Moses to build a sanctuary for his people called the Tabernacle in the wilderness. After the children of Israel arrived their promised land, Solomon was commanded to build a final resting place for the ark of the covenant. In our day, the Lord once again commmanded Prophets to build temples, where people can receive revelations and commandments from the Lord.
One of the important orinances performed in the temple is the eternal marriage. We believe that the marriage is ordained of God and that, through Jesus Christ, our family can be united forever even after this life. Masami and I were joined together in the matromony under the same covenant that are performed in the temple. We will eternally cherish our relationship. We love the temple, we are greatly indebted to the Lord.